
Showing 10 of 51 articles

Government Facilities for National Strategic Projects Under Indonesia’s Omnibus Law


GR 42/2021 contains provisions on the facilities aimed to accelerate the implementation of national strategic projects in Indonesia.

New Provisions for Indonesia’s Postal, Telecommunications, and Broadcasting Sectors Under the Omnibus Law


Indonesia’s Omnibus Law provides new provisions for the postal, telecommunications, and broadcasting industries.

Indonesia’s New Provisions for the Construction Sector Under Omnibus Law


GR 14/2021 revises several provisions of Indonesia’s Construction Law of 2007. These include simplifying the business licensing process and the obligation of technology transfer by qualified foreign construction workers.

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law Looks to Support the Aviation Industry


Indonesia’s GR 32/2021, an implementing regulation of the Omnibus Law, aims to support the recent liberalization of Indonesia’s aviation industry.

Indonesia Regulates the Prohibition of Certain Goods for Import and Export Under the Omnibus Law


MoT Reg 18 provides an updated list of the types of goods that are prohibited from being imported to and exported from Indonesia.

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: New Protection and Empowerment Measures for Small Businesses


Indonesia’s GR 7/2021 looks to provide greater protection and empowerment to Indonesia’s cooperatives, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: New Provisions for the Shipping Sector


Indonesia issued Government Regulation 31 of 2021 which amends several aspects of the country’s shipping law.

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: Relaxed Foreign Ownership Laws on Real Estate


Indonesia has made it easier for foreigners to own real estate in the country through Government Regulation 18 of 2021.

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: New Provisions on Indonesia’s Trade Sector


Indonesia’s Regulation 29 of 2021 makes changes on issues of trade, particularly in areas such as the distribution of goods, exports, and imports.

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: Changes to the Immigration Law


Indonesia issued Government Regulation 48 of 2021 (GR 48/2021) in March 2021 which amends the country’s immigration law.

Showing 10 of 51 articles
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