
Showing 10 of 675 articles

Thailand’s Investment Outlook for 2018


Despite a decade of political instability and economic shocks, the Thai economy grew at a rate of 3.7 percent in 2017 and is expected to touch 4 percent in 2018. Read more about Thailand’s latest FDI trends and outlook for 2018 in our latest article.

French FDI in ASEAN Part II: Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia


ASEAN continues to be an important FDI destination for European investors. Read more about France’s investments in Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia in the concluding part of our two-part article on French FDI in ASEAN.

Cambodia’s DTAs with Singapore and Thailand Come into Effect


Cambodia’s two new Double Tax Agreements (DTAs) – with Singapore and Thailand – has now come into effect. The two agreements aim to clarify taxation rights and also provide for exemption of tax on certain types of income, lowering barriers to cross-border investment and encouraging bilateral trade.

Thailand Introduces New Four-Year Smart Visas for Investors


With effect from February 1, 2018, foreign investors and experts in ten specific high-tech business sectors can apply for a new 4-year ‘Smart Visa’ to live and work in Thailand. Read more about the eligibility criteria and the benefits of the new visa in our latest article.

How to Set Up in Thailand – New Issue of ASEAN Briefing Magazine


The latest issue of ASEAN Briefing Magazine titled, “How to Set Up in Thailand”, is out now and available to subscribers as a complimentary download in the Asia Briefing Publication Store.

Thailand’s New Customs Act: A Relief for Importers and Exporters


Thailand’s new Customs Act will come into force from November 13, 2017. With an aim to modernize Thailand’s customs law, the revised Act will significantly ease customs procedures and bring transparency in the country’s customs law. Read more about these changes in our latest article.

Malaysia-Thailand Trade and Economic Relations


Malaysia and Thailand, both active members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), enjoy cordial diplomatic relations and share strong bilateral ties in several areas, including in trade and investment. Read more.

Thailand Launches New Online Service for Work Permits and Visas


Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI) has launched a new online visa service for BOI-registered companies in order to ease the visa application process. Under the new system, authorities will issue an electronic work permit to the applicants instead of the work permit booklet currently in use.

Myanmar Special Commodity Tax, Thailand VAT, and Indonesia Luxury Sales Tax – ASEAN Regulatory Brief


In this week’s ASEAN Regulatory Brief, we highlight Myanmar’s Special Commodity Tax exemptions for emeralds and diamonds, discuss Thailand’s reduced VAT rate extension, and focus on Indonesia’s proposed luxury tax cuts for sedans.

Korean Investment in Laos, Cambodia Infrastructure, and Thailand Retail Sector – ASEAN Market Watch


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch, we analyze Korean investment in Laos, focus on Cambodia’s local infrastructure investment, and discuss Thailand’s retail sector.

Showing 10 of 675 articles
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