
Showing 10 of 1116 articles

A Guide to Singapore’s Labor Law


The Employment Act is the central labor law in Singapore. We discuss the terms and conditions of employment that the Act covers, and how it impacts employers and employees.

Navigating Intellectual Property Rights in Singapore: An Overview


We discuss the types of intellectual property that are afforded protection in Singapore and the associated procedural formalities.

A Guide to Personal Income Tax in Singapore


Personal income tax in Singapore is based on a progressive tax system, with taxes ranging from 0 to 22.5 percent for 2023.

Understanding Social Insurance in Singapore


We discuss the Central Provident Fund (CPF) and the Retirement Sum Topping-Up (RSTU) scheme – key components of Singapore’s social insurance.

How to Open a Corporate Bank Account in Singapore?


We discuss the requirements to open a corporate bank account in Singapore, including the necessary documents, and procedures, and note the country’s prominent banking institutions.

Comparing Singapore Business Entities: Choosing the Right Structure for Your Venture


Foreign companies can set up a variety of business structures in Singapore for their investments.

Singapore Allows Companies and Trusts to Adopt Virtual Annual Meetings


Singapore is now allowing companies and business trusts to adopt virtual annual general meetings (AGMs). We provide the details.

Adapting to Singapore’s Escalating Rental Prices: Strategic Implications for Foreign Businesses


Despite soaring rental costs, Singapore continues to maintain its status as a favored destination for international corporations.

How GST Liability is Assessed on Low Value Goods Transactions in Singapore


Goods and services tax is levied on low-value goods that are imported to Singapore. Businesses should identify whether their customers are GST-registered.

Singapore and India Link Real Time Retail Payment Systems


Singapore and India have launched a real time payment mechanism (UPI-PayNow) to ease cross-border payments between the two countries.

Showing 10 of 1116 articles
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