
Showing 10 of 922 articles

Vietnam-Russia Trade & Tourism Continues to Grow as ASEAN Nations Eye EAEU Free Trade Agreements


Chris Devonshire-Ellis writes on the continuing growth of Vietnam-Russia trade amidst the ASEAN bloc eyeing an agreement with the EAEU.

German Investment in ASEAN Part V: Thailand and Vietnam


ASEAN continues to be an important FDI destination for German investors. Read more about Germany’s investments in Thailand and Vietnam in the fifth and concluding part of our five-part article on German FDI in ASEAN.

French FDI in ASEAN Part I: Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam


ASEAN continues to be an important FDI destination for European investors. Read more about France’s investments in Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam in the first part of our two-part article on French FDI in ASEAN.

ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Malaysia-Slovakia DTA, EU-Vietnam FTA Cuts Tariffs on Meats


In this ASEAN Regulatory Brief, we look at some of the important regulatory changes taking place in ASEAN, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

Laos-Vietnam Border Trade Agreement Signed


A bilateral border trade agreement between Laos and Vietnam was signed on June 27, 2015 in Vietnam’s Nghe An Province.

For ASEAN Future FTA Deals, Look Towards Vietnam


With Vietnam just becoming the first Asian country to sign off a Free Trade Agreement with the Moscow backed Eurasian Economic Union, the relevance of how Vietnam plays its bilateral trade agreements has suddenly taken on a more interesting slant.

The Cost of Business in Vietnam Compared With China


Read how ASEAN Tiger Vietnam compared to China as a destination for your business in the latest in our nine-part series comparison ASEAN with China.

Singapore-Vietnam in 2015: Trade and Investment Partners


As investment and trading partners, Singapore and Vietnam have proven to be an unstoppable combination – with 2014 bilateral trade up 20.3 percent year on year. Vietnam’s strategic location, low-cost labor, burgeoning consumer class, and incentives to foreign investors have made Vietnam an attractive destination for Singaporean foreign direct investment (FDI). While Singapore, with the highest GDP per capita in ASEAN, remains a prime market for Vietnamese exporters.

Turkey Launches Anti-Dumping Probe into Malaysia, Vietnam Steel Re-Exports


The Vietnam Competition Authority has announced that Turkey’s Ministry of Economy is investigating steel products imported from Malaysia and Vietnam following a complaint by M/s Jindal Stainless Limited.

Economic Growth Puts Vietnam on Track to Become Largest ASEAN Supplier to the U.S.


The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) predicts that Vietnam will become the largest ASEAN supplier to the United States by the end of 2014 – with a net export value of around US$29.4 billion. This would be a historical achievement for a nation surrounded by supply giants. In fact, Vietnam is likely to become the wealthiest Southeast Asian country in terms of trade. Additional statistics indicate that bilateral trade with the United States will surge to US$57 billion by 2020, cementing Vietnam’s prominence as a valuable hub for foreign investment and trade.

Showing 10 of 922 articles
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