
Showing 10 of 922 articles

A Guide to Taxation in Vietnam


All taxes in Vietnam are imposed at the national level; there are no local, city, or provincial taxes.

Vietnam’s Decree 91 Makes Amendments to the Tax Administration Law


Vietnam’s Decree 91 makes amendments to the country’s Tax Administration Law. One of the changes includes reinstating the ’80 percent rule’ regarding provisional corporate income tax.

Vietnam and Indonesia Reach Agreement on EEZ Boundaries


After 12 rounds of negotiations Vietnam and Indonesia have come to an agreement regarding their overlapping claims in the South China Sea.

Vietnam’s Energy Crunch: Coal’s Dominance and the Need for Renewables


Vietnam’s breakneck economic growth is putting pressure on its energy sources, with frequent power outages burdening businesses nationwide.

As Chinese Lockdowns Continue and Salaries Rise, Footwear Manufacture Shifts to Vietnam


Vietnam’s footwear industry is likely to benefit as manufacturers leave China in search of lower labor costs.

Can Vietnam’s VinFast be the Real Contender to Tesla’s EV Throne?


Vietnam’s VinFast is among new entrants in the EV market, and its lower-cost and tech-heavy offerings could pose a real threat to existing manufacturers.

How to Change a Company Name in Vietnam


Changing a company name in Vietnam be challenging and time-consuming. However, understanding the regulations on business name changes can help alleviate some of these challenges.

Vietnam’s Intellectual Property Law: New Amendments


Vietnam has made amendments to its Intellectual Property Law, considered the most significant since its creation.

India Eager for Expansion of Trilateral Highway to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam


India is keen to push for the expansion of the Trilateral Highway to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and increase trade with ASEAN.

US Exempts Tariffs on Vietnamese Solar Panels for Two Years


The US government recently approved a 24-month tariff exemption for solar panels from four Southeast Asian countries which include Vietnam.

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  • Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2022
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2022
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