
Showing 10 of 715 articles

Malaysia’s Public Holidays for 2023


ASEAN Briefing outlines Malaysia’s public holidays for 2023. This is a comprehensive list of those holidays and the states they apply to.

Anwar Ibrahim Becomes Malaysian PM: Optimism for Businesses


Businesses will be eager to hear the policies of Anwar Ibrahim’s government on tackling the rising cost of living, battling corruption, and plans for bureaucratic reforms.

Malaysia Introduces Electronic Option for the Renewal of Employment Passes


Malaysia will introduce the option for Employment Pass holders to renew their permits electronically from December 1, 2022.

Malaysia’s General Election on Nov 19: A Quick Guide


Malaysia will hold its 15th general election on November 19, 2022, in the hope it will solve the political instability that has rocked the country since 2020.

How to Obtain Halal Certification in Malaysia


Foreign companies looking to obtain a Halal certification in Malaysia must apply to the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM). JAKIM will then conduct an on-site inspection of the applicant’s premises.

Malaysia’s Ratification of CPTPP to Help Increase Trade


Malaysia’s ratification of the CPTPP offers local businesses expansion opportunities around the Asia Pacific and further.

Malaysia to Hold General Elections to Solve Political Turmoil: What it Means for Foreign Investors


Foreign investors will be eager to see if a new government can solve current challenges facing businesses.

Malaysia Launches New Social Visit Pass


Malaysia has recently launched a new social visit pass named PLS@XPATS, which allows social visit pass holders to work in the country for up to 30 days.

Why UAE Businesses Should Establish a Principal Hub in Malaysia


Malaysia presents an attractive principal hub for UAE-based businesses that are seeking to expand in ASEAN.

Malaysia Issues Digital Nomad Visa: What are the Requirements?


Malaysia has issued a special work permit specifically for digital nomads called De Rantau. The program aims to attract foreign and local digital professionals.

Showing 10 of 715 articles
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