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German FDI in ASEAN Part II: Indonesia and Laos


ASEAN continues to be an important FDI destination for European investors. Read more about Germany’s investments in Indonesia and Laos in the second part of our five-part article on German FDI in ASEAN.

The Asia Reassurance Initiative Act and ASEAN


Read our latest article to know more about the US Asia Reassurance Initiative Act and what it means for ASEAN.

Import Procedures in ASEAN


In this article, we outline the import procedures in member states of ASEAN.

Export Procedures in ASEAN


In this article, we outline the export procedures in member states of ASEAN.

Labuan: Offshore Opportunities in Malaysia


Labuan offers the benefit of low tax regimes while retaining the protection of Malaysia’s laws and regulations. Read more about how the island is diversifying its financial portfolio of offerings to other niche areas.

Comparing Tax Rates Across ASEAN


In this article, we provide an inter-country comparison of tax rates across ASEAN, including in relation to PIT, CIT, VAT and GST, which is essential for making informed FDI decisions in the region.

Taxation in ASEAN: An Introduction


In this article, we highlight the salient features of the taxation regimes of the individual member states of ASEAN. We examine the various forms of taxation within ASEAN while highlighting their regional variations.

Thailand’s Special Economic Zones – Opportunities for Investment


Likely to benefit further from Thailand’s continued economic growth are businesses that choose to locate in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Thai border provinces. We analyze the opportunities and incentives on offer in these SEZs in our latest article.

CPTPP and Opportunities for Businesses in ASEAN


Following the withdrawal of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the 11 remaining signatories agreed to move ahead with a revised TPP. Read more in our latest article on the rechristened Comprehensive Progressive Agreement for the Tran-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Top Three IPR Mistakes that SMEs Should Avoid in Southeast Asia


While trade and investment in Southeast Asia can lead to substantial returns for Western businesses, the less developed nature of the region’s IP regime means the dangers of infringement are often great. South-East Asia IPR SME highlights the top three IPR mistakes SMEs should avoid in Southeast Asia.

Showing 10 of 298 articles
Events in ASEAN All Events

Our free webinars are packed full of useful information for doing business in ASEAN.

Related reading
  • Opportunities in Indonesia’s Special Economic Zones
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Singapore 2022
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2022
  • Audit and Compliance in ASEAN: Prepare for 2022
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022
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