
Showing 10 of 298 articles

As Chinese Lockdowns Continue and Salaries Rise, Footwear Manufacture Shifts to Vietnam


Vietnam’s footwear industry is likely to benefit as manufacturers leave China in search of lower labor costs.

Why UAE Businesses Should Establish a Principal Hub in Malaysia


Malaysia presents an attractive principal hub for UAE-based businesses that are seeking to expand in ASEAN.

Untapped Economic Potential of the Muslim-Autonomous Region in the Philippines


The BARMM has untapped economic potential, especially through increasing maritime trade with neighbors Indonesia and Malaysia.

Thailand’s Islamic Economy: Sourcing and Consumer Market Opportunities


Thailand’s Halal economy presents ample opportunities for investors in Halal food manufacturing as well as tourism.

ASEAN Ministers Attend U.S.-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework Negotiations


Economic ministers from several ASEAN countries attended the first official meeting of the U.S.-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework in Los Angeles.

Why Does the US-ASEAN Special Summit Lack Substantial Value?


Despite hitting the right notes, the US-ASEAN summit lacked the concrete trade and investment commitments that ASEAN members were seeking.

Singapore to Reap Long-Term Benefits Under RCEP


Singapore hopes to reap long-term benefits under the RCEP by integrating further into global supply chains and strengthening its position as a business hub in the Asia-Pacific.

COVID-19 Cases in ASEAN – Regular Updates by Country


We will be operating this article as a running live update service to keep businesses in the ASEAN region informed with regards to the coronavirus.

New Digital Logistics Platform Investments for Singapore


Asia Investment Research highlights Haulio Singapore’s latest Series A funding, in which it raised some US$7 million, led by Temasek’s Heliconia Capital.

An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022 – New Publication from Dezan Shira & Associates


An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022 is out now and available to download.

Showing 10 of 298 articles
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  • Audit and Compliance in ASEAN: Prepare for 2022
  • Using Singapore as a Base for ASEAN Expansion
  • ASEAN Talent and HR Compensation Benchmarking
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