
Showing 10 of 1116 articles

Indonesia Ponders TPP Membership


The Indonesian government has shown interest in joining the United States-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), saying that its entry into the TPP negotiations would depend on trade agreements with key partners in the region.

Timor Leste Looks to Join ASEAN


Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said last Friday that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will allow Timor Leste to partake in future ASEAN meetings and summits. ASEAN member states have increasingly taken an interest in approving Timor Leste to be ASEAN’s 11th member.

ASEAN+3 Further Promotes Regional Financial Cooperation


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus Japan, China and South Korea (ASEAN Plus Three) have decided to further promote regional financial cooperation at the recent ASEAN Plus Three meeting held last Friday in India.

Hong Kong to Sign Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN


Leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), who recently met in Brunei, are set to approve a decision by their economic ministers to expand trade ties with Hong Kong through the signing of a free trade agreement.

May 2013 ASEAN Regional Meetings


A number of important meetings are being held this month that will address trade and regulatory issues affecting global and regional foreign investment with ASEAN. The key ones of note for our readers are as follows.

ASEAN Summit in Brunei: AEC and the South China Sea


The leaders of the ASEAN countries converged on Brunei Darussalam this week for the 22nd summit of the regional grouping. On top of the agenda was further facilitation of the economic integration process that aims to unite the countries in the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015.

Welcome to ASEAN Briefing!


Welcome to ASEAN Briefing, a new site constructed in a library and archive format, where we have collected the various and increasing number of tax treaties and FDI policies that ASEAN and its individual members states have with other nations. Our news section will specifically concentrate on these treaties and agreements, ensuring that our audience is kept up to date on any new developments.

Introduction to the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement


The ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement entered into force on March 29, 2012, aiming to create a free and open investment environment through the consolidation and expansion of existing agreements between the ASEAN member countries.

M&A Regulations in China


Apr. 9 – The new issue of China Briefing Magazine, titled M&A Regulations in China, is out now and will be temporarily available as a complimentary PDF download on the Asia Briefing Bookstore throughout the month of April. Here we return to a popular subject – China’s M&A regulatory framework. With the global economy slowly […]

Hong Kong–Indonesia Comprehensive DTA Enters into Force


The Hong Kong-Indonesia DTA has taken effect from April 1, 2013. The DTA with Indonesia was signed in March 2010, but has only recently been ratified by Indonesia.

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